Part Three of:

"The Grand Erection"
"How We Built a Steel Building in the Back Yard"

May, 2005

The barn is complete and Bob and Gretchen had a party to celebrate and thank the folks who helped build the barn.


Both trailers are inside the barn and there's still plenty of room for lawn chairs people in the front
Looking out of the barn, past Logan with a gatorade
Another view looking out.
Mike (on the left) and Gary (behind on the right) came in festive shirts. They called the shirts "Man MooMoo's"
Bob and Gretchen gave everyone shirts as a thank-you gift. We all gathered around and the shirts were thrown - Here's one in the air!
The back of the commemorative shirts
Gary and Judy brought a gift for Bob and Gretchen. Here's Bob with his new cock weathervane. ( Male chicken = cock.)
Jason and Les with Colleen, Judy and Janet in the background
After appetizers and drinks at the barn, we all came to the back yard for some dinner


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